Getting Started With Android Wear by Travis Himes

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ABSTRACT: Getting Started With Android Wear

Now that Apple has released one, wearables are becoming commonplace (Android Wear has been available for a little over a year and a half, ignoring the whole Google Glass thing). By now the wear ecosystem has had a chance to mature and settle, and might be something you’re interested in working with. There are plenty of things you can do with a wearable instead of your phone; perhaps there are things you wish Google now could tell you about, but it’s just unaware, for example. In this tutorial we will build a simple app that retrieves data from a REST endpoint and shows it on your watch. Then we will look at more complex use cases, including voice input on a wearable, and briefly cover apps that run fully on android wear devices. With all of these pieces, you can put together some interesting interactions.


SPEAKER BIO:  Travis Himes 

HimesTravis Himes is a Senior Software Engineer specializing in Android at DramaFever with more than 10 years of experience, 3 years of which are building Android applications. Travis has given talks at the Philadelphia Android Alliance, as well as taught fellow developers the basics of Android development. Travis is a fan of keyboard shortcuts, and really anything that saves time in increases repeatability; his .bashrc file is a mile long and fraught with aliases and functions to speed his work, and save him from typing long commands over and over. He has many hobbies, and enjoys finding new ones all the time – if it involves learning something new, he’s likely to be involved.


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