Getting Started With Android Wear by Travis Himes
Clojure and the Robot Apocalypse by Scott Fraser
Building Cloud-Ready Systems Using Spring Technology by Oleg Zhurakousky
Scaling the Cloud by Kirk Spadt
PaaS For Java Developers by Sacha Labourey
Storm: Real-Time Distributed Computation (better than Hadoop) by Brian O’Neill
Big Data Quadfecta by Brian O’Neill
Hadoop + Mahout by Anton Slutsky
Migrating From Struts to JSF by Kito Mann
Play Framework by Brian Clapper
Succeeding with Spring Boot by Prem Chandrasekaran
General Programming/Tech
Agile Model-Driven Development with Pragmatic MDA by Jon Kern
Eric Raymond ‘ESR’ Ask Me Anything
Functional Concepts in Java by Prem Chandrasekaran
Hiring Roundtable by our panel
Mechanical Sympathy by Jim Carroll
Monitoring Software Quality With Continuous Integration by Andrew Glover
The Productive Programmer by Neal Ford
The State of AOP by Ramnivas Laddad
Using Code Metrics for Targeted Code Refactoring by Andrew Glover
Groovy and Grails Overview by Bob Rodini
Building a Source Code Mining Tool Using Java and Solr by Gary Sieling
Character Sets, Encodings, and Other Headaches by Brian Clapper
Coding Standards for Java by Bill Rushmore
Dealing with OutOfMemoryErrors with Tools from the JDK by Kelly Campbell
Direct Web Remoting by Frank Zammetti
Effective Concurrent Java by Brian Goetz
Intro to OSGi by Oleg Zhurakousky
Java for Linux and Java EE by Harry Foxwell
Java Reference Objects by Keith Gregory
Jini: What it is, How we use it, and Where it’s Going by Michael Ogg
OOMs and JVM Memory by Matt Schuetze
The Java Native Interface (JNI) API by Steve Gaul
VoIP and the JAIN SIP API by Brian O’Neill
WTF is [; A Deep Dive into the Shallow End of the JVM by Keith Gregory
Changes in EJB 2.0 by Patrick Innmon
EJB3/Spring/Hibernate Comparison by Reza Rahman
EJB3 and Hibernate 3 by Shaun Connolly
EJB and JDO by Patrick Linskey
Java SE
Java SE7 Preview by Kirk Spadt
XML and the Java JAXP API” by Dr. John Lewis
Sun Roadshow J2SE 5.0: Roar of the Tiger by Sang Shin
What’s New in J2SE 1.4 by Kirk Spadt
Java EE
2010: An Acronym Odyssey by Brian O’Neill
Adapting and Extending OOAD with UML for Rapid J2EE Analysis and Design by Jeff Egglestone
Coordinated Web Controllers: A Reusable Asset by Jim Conallen
Dynamic Java (Classes Without Code) by Aaron Mulder
Effective Unit Testing for Java EE by Rob DiMarco
Java EE6 Community Update by Reza Rahman
Open Source Tools for J2EE Development by Aaron Mulder and Erin Mulder
The NAVgator: Developing a Multi-Channel Enterprise Application using J2EE and XML by Kevin McDonald
Using OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to Build J2EE Applications by Tom Shore
What’s New in J2EE 1.4 by Erin Mulder
Writing Portable Applications in J2EE by Pete Heist
EJB and JDO by Patrick Linskey
The JDO Specification by Patrick Linskey
JavaServer Faces by David Geary
Migrating from Struts to JSF by Kito Mann
Developing JSP Custom Tags by Chad Darby
Generating Images and PDF Documents with Servlets, JSP, and XML by Chad Darby
Practical JRuby by Rob Di Marco
Boost Your Hibernate and Application Performance by Greg Luck
Clustering the JVM by Ari Zilka
Developing High Performance Web Services Using Apache Axis by Ted O’Connor
Distributed Caching by Cameron Purdy
Improving Performance for Your J2EE Apps by Bob Pasker
Java Performance Monitoring by Paul Jasek
Functional Wrappers for Legacy API’s by Martin Snyder
Play Framework by Brian Clapper
Scala for JARheads by Brian Clapper and Mark Chadwick
Intro to Apache Shiro by Les Hazlewood
Protecting Java Code by Mike Dulaney
Secure Java Programming by Scott Fraser
URL Re-writing for the Next Generation Web User by Lincoln Baxter III
Are You Covered by Keith Gregory
Byte Buffers and Off-Heap Memory by Keith Gregory
Injecting Life into Web Applications with AJAX by Steve Benfield
Java Application Deployment by Frederic Jambukeswaran
Next Generation Maven Development Stack by Jason van Zyl
RSS, Atom, APP, and All That: a Course for Developers by Elliotte Rusty Harold
The JavaCC Parser Generator by Wade Wells
WSO2 Identity Server and contributing back to an Open Source Project by Michael Geiser
Vendor Meetings
How To Stop Waiting for Build/Deploy and Enjoy Coding Again by Zero Turnaround
Oracle’s Java Roadtrip Coast to Coast Tour
Professional Open Source and the Future of JBoss by Marc Fleury and Gavin King
Sun Roadshow (Glassfish and Peabody) by Rima Patel
Sun Roadshow J2SE 5.0: Roar of the Tiger by Sang Shin
Web Services or SOA
Building REST and SOAP Web Services Servers and Clients by Chris Hyzer
Developing High Performance Web Services Using Apache Axis by Ted O’Connor
Service Component Architecture by Greg Pavlik
Space-Based Architecture and the End of Tier-Based Computing by Dennis Reedy