
The Philly JUG has relied on several people and organizations over the years, so this page is simply here to say thanks to all those that have leant a hand.

Villanova University, Villanova’s CS Department and ACM, and Dr. John Lewis for being our first hosts.

Sun Microsystems (RIP) for their many years of providing us with t-shirts, other giveaway items, and speakers.

Unisys for being our home for many years.

GSI Commerce (now a division of eBay) for being a host for many years, and Michael Geiser for coordinating.

O’Reilly Media for providing hundreds of book over the past decade as well as discounts for members.

Murach Books, McGraw-Hill, and Manning Publications for providing books.

Sponsors who have supported us multiple times over the years include NoFluffJustStuff, Chariot Solutions, SpringSource, Bill Loftus (Breakaway Solutions and Gestalt LLC), and Terracotta.

The great people at Penn State Great Valley for their very generous hosting of certain events.

Past website hosting sponsor Brian O’Neill on his Skookle site.

Oracle for providing support.

Java Code Geeks for their support.