Spring by Rod Johnson

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Rod Johnson and JUGmaster Dave Fecak

Rod Johnson and JUGmaster Dave Fecak

SPEAKER BIO:  Rod Johnson
Rod Johnson is SVP of Middleware at VMware and the General Manager of the SpringSource product division. Previously Rod served as CEO of SpringSource since the company’s inception and has more than 15 years of technology and management experience.

Rod conceived of and initiated the development of Spring. The Spring Portfolio of open source projects was based on the code published with Rod’s best-selling Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development™ (2002). This book was one of the most influential books ever published on J2EE and the sequel, J2EE without EJB™ (2004 with Juergen Hoeller) has proven almost equally significant, establishing a comprehensive vision for lightweight, post-EJB J2EE development.

Rod is one of the world’s leading authorities on Java and Java EE development. He is a thought leader on open source, as well as a popular speaker at conferences and symposia around the world. Rod founded SpringSource, the leader in Java application infrastructure and management, and continues to be actively involved in guiding the direction of Spring, the de facto standard programming model for enterprise Java applications.

Rod has specialized in server-side Java since 1996 across a wide range of industries. Rod’s hands-on experience has led him to see problems from a client’s perspective as well as a technology perspective, and has driven his influential criticism of bloated, inefficient, orthodox approaches to Java EE architecture.

Rod is a member of the Java Community Process (JCP) Executive Committee (EC). EC members guide the evolution of the Java technologies by approving and voting on all technology proposals. They are also responsible for defining the JCP’s rules of governance and the legal agreement between members and the organization.

Rod holds a BA with Honors in Computer Science, Mathematics and Musicology as well as a Phd from the University of Sydney.

Rod will speak on why Spring is the natural programming model for the enterprise Java cloud, including:

  • Community: The amazing community of developers around Spring and the huge numbers of developers with Spring skills give businesses the confidence to architect their solutions and build their development teams around Spring.
  • Portability: Spring is based on a unique set of proven, powerful abstractions that simplifies application code and cleanly decouples it from its environment. Enhanced portability between target environments has always been a key benefit of Spring, and the growing importance of cloud deployment in addition to deployment to traditional physical data centers makes this benefit more important than ever. By building enterprise Java applications with Spring, developers can be assured that their applications can run on their local desktop, in their corporate datacenter and in the cloud without having to compromise their application design.
  • Open: The future of cloud computing for the enterprise is open source, open standards, open innovation. At a time of increasing concern about the direction of Java, the Spring community is more important and healthier”than ever.
  • Innovation: Spring has always pushed the envelope and moved quickly to address new opportunities and challenges. Throughout its 7 year history, the most important ideas in enterprise Java have been introduced to the mainstream by Spring. In the rapidly changing world of cloud computing, the partnership between SpringSource and the Spring community can bring Java and the JVM to the forefront.

NOTE – Rod did this presentation without the use of any slides or visuals, so there are no meeting notes available.

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