Using OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to Build J2EE Applications by Tom Shore

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ABSTRACT:  Using OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to Build J2EE Applications

This presentation discusses how to utilize OMG’s Model Driven Architecture (MDA) to build J2EE applications. We will present how to use the concept of platform independent models, platform specific models, and code models. We will discuss how MDA enables the generation of a complete and functioning code model, covering the EJB tier, WEB tier, EIS tier, and Connector tier. This presentation will cover the complete process from PIM to PSM to code model, including code examples of relevant Java classes created. BONUS: We will be raffling off a full license (includes an afternoon of training and a year of maintenance) of OptimalJ, Compuware’s rapid application development tool for Enterprise Java – valued at over $8,000.


Thomas S. Shore is a Senior Product Consultant with Compuware Corporation’s Application Development & Portal Solutions Software Division. Mr. Shore joined Compuware in 1993 and has held various positions in the UNIFACE product line, before focusing on J2EE and related technologies. Mr. Shore has also held various software engineering and consulting positions in the manufacturing, Oil & Gas exploration and database software markets. Mr. Shore holds a bachelors degree in Entrepreneurial Studies from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts.

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