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ABSTRACT: Coordinated Web Controllers: A Reusable Asset
Coordinated Web Controller is a collection of code, models, and patterns that collectively represent a reusable asset. An asset is a solution to a recurring problem that has been specifically tailored for reuse. This particular asset is targeted for applications that use the Sun J2EE Design Pattern ‘Front Controller’ pattern. It extends this pattern with a mechanism for managing multiple concurrent controllers. The asset is packaged in with the Reusable Asset Specification (RAS), an emerging industry standard that is currently being developed by such companies as IBM, Microsoft, ComponentSource, Merrill Lynch and Rational. RAS is a set of concepts, notations and guidelines for describing the reusable assets of software systems. This specification provides the means for publishing this controller asset. This presentation examines the Coordinated Web Controller asset as it is published in RAS form. The CWC asset was first introduced in the second edition of Jim Conallen’s book ‘Building Web Applications with UML.’ Jim will present the details of this RAS asset and explain both the asset itself and its packaging.
SPEAKER BIO: Jim Conallen
Jim Conallen is a self proclaimed ‘techno-geek’, currently working for Rational Software Corporation. He specializes in web application development and UMLmodeling. He is the author of numerous print and online articles and two editions of the book ‘Building Web Applications with UML.’ Jim is currently involved with the development of the Reusable Asset Specification (RAS), a industry effort at standardizing the packaging and management of reusable software development assets. Jim is a native of the Delaware Valley and has graduate and undergraduate degrees from Widener University in Computer and Software Engineering.
CWC Slides PDF